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A Guide By Semalt Expert To Creating Quality-Focused SEO Practices

Search engines have grown with time and have introduced a large number of strategies based on quality. The current shift has given the keywords the central place in white hat SEO. Keyword optimization has remained an essential part of better ranking in the search engine results but is not as effective as it was a few years ago.

The role of keyword optimization

It would not be wrong to say that keyword optimization has become essential for a site's survival on the internet. Different reports reveal that Google and other search engines have given keywords an utmost importance, but that doesn't mean the website owners and bloggers should insert lots of keywords into the content. Instead, they should try to use short tail and long tail keywords properly and should not stuff keywords. Otherwise, the search engines will penalize and ban their sites from showing up in their results.

It raises some questions such as «How do I balance keyword optimization with the quality-focused SEO practices?». You should keep in mind the following things stipulated by Oliver King, a top specialist of Semalt, to maximize keyword usage, ensuring the quality of your content remains same throughout.

Guide keyword usage

Make sure your articles and the way they have been written are engaging and up to the search engine standards. First of all, you should conduct basic keyword research and create lists of core terms that are related to your site. The next step is to calibrate all keywords to determine which short-tail and long-tail keywords are best suited to your business. You should try to keep searcher intent in your mind while choosing long tail and short tail keywords. This is because the articles written with clear focus will be better ranked in the search engine results and will get indexed easily.

Utilize the keywords strategically

How and where you are using the keywords is very important. Experts say that you should insert the keywords into your title, headlines and the first paragraph of your article. Plus, you should use a large number of short tail and long tail keywords throughout the content and group the like-minded phrases and words together. You should always keep in mind that using lots of keywords in one article can lead to Google and other search engines marking your site as spam. So, the best option is to choose a variety of keywords and phrases and use them haphazardly in your content. You can also use common words and phrases while writing an article. And yes, you should not forget to use the primary keyword in your headline and the first paragraph. The solid principle is to implement the keywords three to four times throughout your article.

Make sure the articles meet quality benchmarks

You should make sure that your web content and articles meet the quality criteria to a great extent. It is because the internet is flooded with websites, and your business can survive only when you offer relevant information to your visitors. Provide them with the stuff they want to read and offer unique angle or takeaway in the content to set your articles apart from the competitors.

Searchmetrics spotlights a few things that can help you improve the quality of your site and get high rankings in the search engine results. You should remember that terms, keywords, and phrases should be a part of all of the articles. Plus, you should include amazing videos and images to make your articles more attractive for the readers.